Griz Stadium Clean-up fundraiser: Saturday, 9/8/18 (start about 4/4:30? See below)
This is a mandatory event as we make $500 for cleaning up. The more people we have the faster it goes, bring family. I think it would be fun for the girls to go to the game together as well if Possible. Tickets are on your own, I do have a call in to see if I can at least get tickets for the girls but don’t know if I will get them so plan on buying tickets if your daughter wants to go.
You don’t have to go to the game to help clean up, they will let you in close to the end of the game to meet and clean up. Below is the info I have got about where and when to meet for the clean-up duties along with what our team is responsible for cleaning. Matt and I will direct and split players, parents, siblings up when we meet at the location and time below. If you get lost give me a call. 406-544-6566
Game starts at 1pm, guessing it will be done around 4-4:30 but that’s just a guess. If you are not