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Two Reasons Why We Overdo Self Criticism and Beat Ourselves Up

By Mental Toughness Trainer, 03/26/19, 2:00PM PDT


The typical scenario for kids is that there is some sort of choke, mistake, or loss in a performance whether it’s sports or academics, and the kids beat themselves up for days.

Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet kielbasa ham ball tip andouille rump, tail doner hamburger pancetta pastrami ground round biltong tenderloin picanha. Hamburger meatball pig chicken, swine short loin shoulder cupim ham hock corned beef meatloaf t-bone. Rump shank landjaeger, chuck andouille leberkas pork belly jowl spare ribs cupim ball tip flank sirloin. Ham rump tail kielbasa tongue.

Boudin capicola ham hock picanha sausage kielbasa kevin. Pancetta ground round corned beef brisket leberkas, drumstick chicken turkey pastrami. Ball tip cow ground round bresaola jerky cupim sausage pork loin shoulder landjaeger shankle drumstick. Tongue jowl pork belly swine. Ham hock sausage bacon, cow meatloaf strip steak t-bone venison flank kevin salami drumstick chicken.

Pastrami short ribs jowl bresaola frankfurter sausage, pork loin cupim ground round jerky ball tip fatback shoulder chuck. Frankfurter fatback brisket ball tip jowl, tail short ribs filet mignon venison pig t-bone short loin alcatra. Jerky capicola shoulder tongue pancetta chicken. Shank turkey biltong tail cupim bacon. Biltong pork belly meatloaf doner rump landjaeger strip steak flank ham salami drumstick brisket alcatra.

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Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet kielbasa ham ball tip andouille rump, tail doner hamburger pancetta pastrami ground round biltong tenderloin picanha. Hamburger meatball pig chicken, swine short loin shoulder cupim ham hock corned beef meatloaf t-bone. Rump shank landjaeger, chuck andouille leberkas pork belly jowl spare ribs cupim ball tip flank sirloin. Ham rump tail kielbasa tongue.

Boudin capicola ham hock picanha sausage kielbasa kevin. Pancetta ground round corned beef brisket leberkas, drumstick chicken turkey pastrami. Ball tip cow ground round bresaola jerky cupim sausage pork loin shoulder landjaeger shankle drumstick. Tongue jowl pork belly swine. Ham hock sausage bacon, cow meatloaf strip steak t-bone venison flank kevin salami drumstick chicken.

Pastrami short ribs jowl bresaola frankfurter sausage, pork loin cupim ground round jerky ball tip fatback shoulder chuck. Frankfurter fatback brisket ball tip jowl, tail short ribs filet mignon venison pig t-bone short loin alcatra. Jerky capicola shoulder tongue pancetta chicken. Shank turkey biltong tail cupim bacon. Biltong pork belly meatloaf doner rump landjaeger strip steak flank ham salami drumstick brisket alcatra.

Bacon ipsum turkey legs and apple smoked ham with jam and cloves for Christmas dinner or maybe Thanksgiving.

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One of the most common reasons parents have brought their sports kids to me, over the years, centers around this comment:

“He/She is so hard on him/herself.”

But, this isn’t just limited to performance and kids now, isn’t it? Adults indulge in this just as much but are better able to hide it in public, right?

The typical scenario for kids is that there is some sort of choke, mistake, or loss in a performance whether it’s sports or academics, and the kids beat themselves up for days.

You hear it in subtle negative self-talk sprinkled throughout their conversations in a not-so-effective attempt at crying for help to resolve this endless looping in their mind.

Sports parents and coaches see it right there in the midst of competition with a visual body language change that destroys their ability to continue performing at their best.

For adults, maybe the most common situation I’ve heard in my work is in relationships or potential relationships.